Our Programs

Because our mission is broader than simply teaching young people how to play golf, First Tee-Phoenix also has a strong character development component - the Life Skills Experience. Life Skills is one of the unique features differentiating our organization from other successful junior golf programs. Through Life Skills, young people inherit more than the ability to understand and enjoy the game of golf. Participants are taught important Life Skills that encourage improved self-image, positive attitude, problem solving, decision-making, integrity, and sportsmanship. Taught and reinforced through a variety of golf-related exercises, these life skills are designed to help young people apply values from the golf course to everyday life. Through the Life Skills experience, as opportunities on the golf course expand, so do the opportunities for a participant's future. Graduates of First Tee are eligible for scholarships, awards and recognition for contributions made to their community through First Tee programs.


First Tee-Phoenix will provide scholarships to families in need. Scholarships range from 25%-100% of the annual fees and are reviewed on a case by case basis

Application & New Member Information

Do you have a child and would like to enroll him/her in our programming?  You can join at anytime during our 4 programming sessions using the "Register" link in the upper right. All new members start in PLAYer class which is in "Purple" on the calendar. Class times and days vary by location. Call us for more information. 602-305-7655. See you soon!


It is the goal of First Tee-Phoenix to have participants who complete the Life Skills Experience to have acquired basic golf skills and demonstrate certain fundamental life skill concepts - such as interpersonal communication and the importance of rules and etiquette. At each level of the program -- Par, Birdie and Eagle - participants will go through a Certification Process that tests and evaluates participants' understanding of and ability to apply what was taught.

Core Values

Within the Life Skills program, First Tee-Phoenix promotes Nine Core Values that represent many of the inherently positive values connected with the game of golf.


With First Tee Life Skills Experience, participants advance through four levels of achievement: PLAYer, Par, Birdie and Eagle. Each stage of the program introduces young people to different aspects of golf and life skills. Advancing from one level to the next is accomplished by demonstrating acquired life skills, learning the rules of golf, posting a required number of rounds on the golf course and having the recommendation of the instructor.

Session schedules

Our programming is broken down into 4 sessions per year. Registration is now available online and pro-rated throughout the year. 2022 Session Schedule Please call 602-305-7655 for more information.


For more information, call 602-305-7655